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# CB10015 day production time$7.82 - $12.52 | Min. Qty: 50
# RTVR27615 day production time$2.35 - $4.62 | Min. Qty: 200
# 4080S5 day production time$12.50 - $16.09 | Min. Qty: 25
# CB131115 day production time$8.78 - $14.02 | Min. Qty: 50
# CB160015 day production time$8.55 - $13.66 | Min. Qty: 50
# OR24167 day production time$3.22 - $5.40 | Min. Qty: 100
# OR23357 day production time$19.75 - $37.25 | Min. Qty: 25
# OR23337 day production time$16.38 - $27.85 | Min. Qty: 25
# CQ283110 day production time$15.98 - $29.82 | Min. Qty: 50
# OF43737 day production time$20.73 - $33.68 | Min. Qty: 50
# OV37248 day production time$10.82 - $29.78 | Min. Qty: 50
# CE534315 day production time$7.98 - $23.90 | Min. Qty: 100
# CP25567 day production time$9.52 - $24.40 | Min. Qty: 50
# CP25617 day production time$47.34 - $85.27 | Min. Qty: 50
# CD32827 day production time$9.83 - $24.83 | Min. Qty: 100
# CP25557 day production time$8.36 - $21.88 | Min. Qty: 50
# CP25637 day production time$4.33 - $17.93 | Min. Qty: 50
# CP25587 day production time$18.36 - $36.92 | Min. Qty: 50
# CE533815 day production time$53.25 - $68.22 | Min. Qty: 50
# CP25547 day production time$58.94 - $113.53 | Min. Qty: 20
# CP25627 day production time$10.56 - $34.66 | Min. Qty: 50
# CP25577 day production time$8.41 - $21.55 | Min. Qty: 50
# CP25597 day production time$66.43 - $132.85 | Min. Qty: 50
# CE533915 day production time$39.52 - $55.25 | Min. Qty: 50
# CP25607 day production time$25.39 - $49.03 | Min. Qty: 50
# CU59197 day production time$54.97 - $95.25 | Min. Qty: 25
# OE53037 day production time$14.92 - $28.27 | Min. Qty: 20
# OM22447 day production time$6.87 - $8.70 | Min. Qty: 40
# OP52427 day production time$6.50 - $20.18 | Min. Qty: 50
# CK585010 day production time$15.40 - $35.98 | Min. Qty: 50
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