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# FP-62025 day production time$3.79 - $4.50 | Min. Qty: 60
# 13857A10 day production time$7.21 - $8.10 | Min. Qty: 100
# FP02A8 day production time$10.25 - $11.55 | Min. Qty: 25
# NOW00027 day production time$4.39 - $5.49 | Min. Qty: 50
# CA328810 day production time$6.17 - $12.00 | Min. Qty: 100
# HP11551 day production time$6.83 - $9.08 | Min. Qty: 48
# 13858A1 day production time$7.71 - $8.60 | Min. Qty: 100
# CI50017 day production time$4.35 - $5.05 | Min. Qty: 100
# CFP-1265 day production time$3.79 - $4.60 | Min. Qty: 60
# FP0915 day production time$12.70 - $15.23 | Min. Qty: 25
# FP-62035 day production time$4.60 - $5.75 | Min. Qty: 60
# GTDYET 1487 day production time$6.45 - $12.30 | Min. Qty: 50
# AL2024-27 day production time$3.42 - $4.26 | Min. Qty: 100
# CLR2315 day production time$7.58 - $8.73 | Min. Qty: 50
# AD43815 day production time$3.68 - $9.12 | Min. Qty: 100
# WP82515 day production time$35.33 - $54.56 | Min. Qty: 50
# CFP-2295 day production time$5.20 - $6.20 | Min. Qty: 60
# CFP-1215 day production time$3.79 - $4.60 | Min. Qty: 60
# HIP001-DTF8 day production time$13.40 - $13.75 | Min. Qty: 250
# CFP-3295 day production time$5.99 - $7.30 | Min. Qty: 60
# FP-68035 day production time$4.39 - $5.30 | Min. Qty: 60
# GTDYET 1497 day production time$3.45 - $8.98 | Min. Qty: 50
# WP853515 day production time$20.78 - $32.34 | Min. Qty: 50
# AP04015 day production time$7.73 - $11.30 | Min. Qty: 1
# CPP-710712 day production time$12.34 - $14.11 | Min. Qty: 25
# EK-160Call for Pricing
# WP75015 day production time$11.93 - $18.82 | Min. Qty: 50
# GTDLIN 1377 day production time$3.58 - $7.22 | Min. Qty: 250
# B-A30167 day production time$7.80 - $8.85 | Min. Qty: 50
# DPN16318 day production time$3.13 - $6.07 | Min. Qty: 100
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