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# K8515 day production time$0.76 - $1.07 | Min. Qty: 350
# CI00285 day production time$1.29 - $1.69 | Min. Qty: 100
# A1745 day production time$0.95 - $2.48 | Min. Qty: 50
# 30517 day production time$10.58 - $10.98 | Min. Qty: 24
# EP657620 day production time$1.33 - $1.79 | Min. Qty: 500
# RZMS13257 day production time$6.58 - $12.30 | Min. Qty: 50
# LRBC87510 day production time$1.72 - $2.80 | Min. Qty: 200
# RZMS10077 day production time$3.55 - $6.08 | Min. Qty: 100
# RZMS10067 day production time$5.55 - $9.90 | Min. Qty: 100
# RZMS11657 day production time$1.72 - $2.97 | Min. Qty: 200
# IC79247 day production time$3.70 - $5.05 | Min. Qty: 100
# OB26437 day production time$4.82 - $8.00 | Min. Qty: 100
# IC78637 day production time$2.98 - $4.37 | Min. Qty: 100
# OW63627 day production time$0.48 - $1.48 | Min. Qty: 2000
# OZ120110 day production time$1.72 - $3.23 | Min. Qty: 120
# CG910515 day production time$2.00 - $4.67 | Min. Qty: 100
# OF43727 day production time$5.17 - $6.53 | Min. Qty: 50
# IC78467 day production time$1.75 - $2.78 | Min. Qty: 200
# IC78857 day production time$1.12 - $1.97 | Min. Qty: 200
# CH684010 day production time$4.33 - $6.67 | Min. Qty: 100
# CM693410 day production time$3.52 - $6.07 | Min. Qty: 200
# CP25927 day production time$1.67 - $4.94 | Min. Qty: 100
# OF43497 day production time$6.13 - $8.97 | Min. Qty: 50
# CD32748 day production time$1.08 - $2.50 | Min. Qty: 200
# CD32718 day production time$0.73 - $2.25 | Min. Qty: 200
# CD32738 day production time$2.25 - $4.33 | Min. Qty: 200
# CD32758 day production time$14.17 - $28.17 | Min. Qty: 50
# CD32728 day production time$6.00 - $9.75 | Min. Qty: 100
# CJ21387 day production time$2.88 - $4.02 | Min. Qty: 50
# CW62457 day production time$9.85 - $14.72 | Min. Qty: 50
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