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# 200-005 day production time$34.27 - $38.52 | Min. Qty: 20
# PB0175 day production time$13.95 - $15.95 | Min. Qty: 50
# CYANNW0455 day production time$11.41 - $14.14 | Min. Qty: 100
# 214-905 day production time$348.30 - $387.88 | Min. Qty: 10
# RZMS5207 day production time$6.80 - $16.65 | Min. Qty: 300
# RZMS4877 day production time$7.77 - $22.30 | Min. Qty: 100
# IB55687 day production time$8.00 - $11.00 | Min. Qty: 50
# OA73207 day production time$6.40 - $11.43 | Min. Qty: 50
# OR23277 day production time$9.32 - $15.87 | Min. Qty: 50
# CV663110 day production time$8.67 - $13.15 | Min. Qty: 50
# CV663210 day production time$9.72 - $14.70 | Min. Qty: 50
# CM68397 day production time$1.13 - $2.32 | Min. Qty: 100
# CA88877 day production time$8.33 - $15.00 | Min. Qty: 100
# OP52717 day production time$16.33 - $21.20 | Min. Qty: 50
# CZ119430 day production time$18.26 - $20.64 | Min. Qty: 1000
# CU59087 day production time$12.53 - $28.03 | Min. Qty: 30
# CJ21387 day production time$2.88 - $4.02 | Min. Qty: 50
# CU59307 day production time$57.05 - $114.32 | Min. Qty: 20
# CZ11747 day production time$17.88 - $29.72 | Min. Qty: 50
# CK582012 day production time$4.65 - $14.65 | Min. Qty: 50
# BE37357 day production time$40.52 - $51.70 | Min. Qty: 50
# OP52047 day production time$6.33 - $11.58 | Min. Qty: 50
# RL31199 day production time$17.50 - $24.17 | Min. Qty: 100
# LT241010 day production time$16.67 - $29.17 | Min. Qty: 50
# IL633015 day production time$26.65 - $31.58 | Min. Qty: 300
# JZ 640310 day production time$24.17 - $35.67 | Min. Qty: 50
# RL281410 day production time$13.33 - $19.17 | Min. Qty: 500
# TC116815 day production time$14.07 - $14.98 | Min. Qty: 50
# CH673810 day production time$8.00 - $12.50 | Min. Qty: 50
# LT220310 day production time$3.33 - $6.67 | Min. Qty: 150
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